Places to visit nearby

La costa degli Dei (Coast of the Gods)

Famous for its beaches and seas, the Costa degli Dei is a unique coastline extending over 40 km.

From the white sands of Nicotera to the granite rocks of Joppolo and Coccorino, the long and wide beaches of Briatico and Parghelia and the unique beauty and history of Tropea, the coast is not just a natural marine paradise.

It has characteristic villages, where local festivals are staged, where local uses and customs can be observed and local food and drink sampled. This is a people strongly anchored to its traditions, where hospitality is a sacred duty.

The third most beautiful beach in Italy

Capo Vaticano promontory

A beautiful promontory that looks out onto the sea, with views as far as Sicily.

A host of legends revolve around the crystal-clear waters of this place, which “explain” the wonder in observing so much beauty…Capo Vaticano takes its name from “luogo di vaticinio”, a “place of prophecy”.


The pearl of the Costa degli Dei


The pearl of the coast, a magnet for the many tourists that are captured by its charm.
60 metres a.s.l. Tropea is the smallest municipality in the province of Vibo Valentia, but it is rich in history and beauty, with its beaches and seascapes, places that have always been attributed to the gods……


The homeland of the Tartufo Gelato

Pizzo Calabro

Pizzo is in the history books as the place where Gioacchino Murat, the brother-in-law of Napoleon Bonaparte, was captured and executed on 13 October 1815. Inside the Aragonese castle, situated in the heart of the picturesque town, you can see the site of the execution, and the cell where he spent the last days of his life…


History and Tradition

Vibo Valentia

The town was built on quite a tall hill, and boasts a magnificent view of the surrounding countryside, extending along the bay of Sant’Eufemia as far as the bay of Gioia. The castle lends the town an air of majesty…


Non solo mare

Serra S. Bruno

The origins of Serra San Bruno go back to the arrival of Bruno of Cologne, founder of the Carthusian order of monks, who dedicated his life to the search for God, in silence and solitude. Count Roger the Norman gave to Bruno the territories that are now known as the Altopiano delle Serre…


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